Trump After Attempt At His Life: Why he is not a Man of Destiny but Circumstance, and Mostly Chance

Bruce Piasecki
9 min readJul 18, 2024


Bruce Piasecki, author, business owner, and social historian. Visit his Wikipedia page for more. Or on 22 books.

Trump is mostly a man in the field of colorful mud like above

It is hilariously inaccurate to follow the news on trump.

From this day forth, I will not capitalize his name, demoting him in my mind like BP became bp after the Gulf Coast oil spill. His last few months add up to a further gulf spill in my mind, and these small blooms of bushes above in the desert heat of today. trump is mostly a man in the field of colorful mud like above. He is not a man of destiny.

On all sides, folks record how hard it is to keep trump on script, to follow his own jumbled words and phrases and lies.

At best he is a man isolated in the house of his own vengeance and thoughts. Examine the weak ladder of his assent, its ocean isolation, its overgrown hatreds.

Those that fact check now noted that Obama lied almost a fourth of the time; trump trumps them all with about 66 percent of what he says “feelings” and “agitation” and “uprooting things” rather than Presidential material of consequence we find in most Lincoln wrote or most Churchill revealed.

Abe Lincoln. Winston Churchill, folks represented by my agency since 1946, and onwards. Those were real men of destiny, and a few are coming round as Women in the mix. More on that at the end of this article.

Keep that in mind at his next rallies. With a victim hero dead from the assination of hatred attempt (a real family man who lunged to save his family), and two severly wounded, trump in his clanging echo does not even mention them. It was all about his booboo ear. Any sensible women will forgo his rallies — if they care for their families. No sane family man or women or young adult should sit behind this speaker again.

We know this as well: expect more lies about his ear and his historic purposes to make America great again. This picture from history more accurately is what is going on in my RNC after trump siezed in a frenzy. They are all drunk with power, conspiracy, kicking those down.

Remember: Two thirds are to aggitate and to distract us from the real issues like the economies health, our health, and climate change — like you saw during other tyrannical times in history. HE will have people trying to make him matter now after the assination attempt. That is what tyrants in waiting do in history before our willing eyes.

Besides tax relief for the superrich, what else got built by the 40 high level appointees that now will not support him again in the day to day. Nothing. That is why his platform is dependent on skills born of TV and message hiding. There are not a single policy promise in his words so far.


I am convinced that today’s hourly filings are at fault for this great colorful open landscape, mounting to nothings. Most of our TV commentators are all on the sidelines of this open space below us again in this telling image.

Note how our eyes need the horizon not just the initial colorful fields of flatness

There is a vast beauty of nonthingness in trump’s RNC as well, so coverage is thin to begin with. Only one honorable Republican from New Jersey stood up in the press this week to criticize the tyrant in the making, and Christie is a soulful and somewhat sad voice at this point. I am most disappointd in Nikki Haley, she was golden once.

I use the evening comedy shows to keep a healthy perspective on all extremes in the daily 7 to 6PM shows of power and nonsense, drama.


Who is more at fault: trump or the news cycle?

The chosen starting image above combines to form this great emptiness from the substance before us, the real issues of Ukraine, Putin, NATO, and world peace — things real Presidents keep us focused on. They — the real issues — like trump’s inability to saying anything in the debate about Climate Change and extreme weather conditions now haunting many places he will not visit during a second term — are fading fast again.

Watch how trump walks these days, like a wounded fake

To sum up before the real point:

  1. The ordinary day to day commentators do not know how to follow the roots of trump, or question HIS team’s fantastical daily blooms.

2. To date, the comments at the RNC from trump grow nowhere in terms of an administration’s coherence, and add up to nothings; til the next day is full of attractive distractions again.

Did we forget how a platform is normally built at these conventions?

I say this as a man of the Press and of History, who believes in the triad of voting, the press, and the special factions of the DC and other Capitals.

(I ran my business for forty years, and many American administrations in, based on “Answering Public Expectations.” That is why legends like Bill Novelli write now about the value in my books. And we used that focus on answering public expectations for clients from the White House to the major Fortune 500 firms our lawyers and engineers and scientists served. That was fact based messaging, not nonsense based, day in day out. From Carter or Reagan to Clinton twice, and then Obama til trump and now Biden, we ran accounts by the book, and by world trends blending client need and social responses.) See Wikipedia pages on Novelli, M.H.Abrams and Bruce Piasecki for actual fact based details, not based on self promotion.)


Now that I am retired from all that working a response to the daily news spindles in London, Paris, and New York — -and working on my books (see Bruce Piasecki Wikipedia, and I have the time to worry thru the daily press from a more horizon-based, higher-ground, like the image of the sharp rise in the background of the opening picture.

Freeing myself from trump, ,I start my days in my garden, and not the news now, and I keep focused on the great contemporary writers like James Fallows, Gregg Easterbrook, and most exceptional that man from Princeton John McPhee. They know how to write, thank god for them. You might try that before November 5 for your sanity, great books by Fallows like More Like Us, or his new bestseller on the self reliance and sanity of our towns between our coasts. Or you might try reading the late great books of John McPhee who started by writing about Bill Bradley with his A Sense of Where You Are. Bradley is also represented in my publisher of late, Rodin Press (distributed by the great Simon and Schuster). Bradley should be read as well.

Author as speaker leading to some useful YOUTUBE coverage since new books out

But this comment from today is in peaked by a few references now out there that trump has become a man of destiny.

ROSS DOUTHAT, not McPhee or Fallows or Easterbrook, is the irresponsible New York Times column hack that said in title and column this week that “DONALD TRUMP, MAN OF DESTINY.” I can not believe the New York Times published that piece. It is worth your time to dissect like a sick bug before your roses.


If ninety percent of a well arranged marriage is yelling, then this journalist is married to the idea of exaggeration 100 percent. He writes:

“Having lived thru eight years of that era (should have been edited to “error), I feel comfortable making one sweeping statement (watch out when the Times allows that!) about the moments when trump shifted his head fractionally and literally dodged a bullet, fell bleeding and then rose with his fist raised in an iconic image of defiance.”

That is wrong in fact. He was shoved down by Secret Service, and it is becoming clear from his lack of medical accounts, it was glass not bullet.

But he goes on, this doughnut journalist, all sweet and stitchy in his thinking of history, by pretending to know history: He goes on getting deeper in the muck and mud of the color of the moment, instead of its facts and implications to society.

The scene Saturday night in Pennsylvaia was the ultimate confimation of his status as a man of destinuy, a characer out of …(you can feel him struggling for words and historical character now) Carlyle or some other verbose 19th century philsopher of history, a figure touched by the gods of fortune in a way that transcends the normal rules of politics.”

I have read the rambling great works of Thomas Carlyle during my dissertation years at Cornell— and he is verbose and brilliant. trump is only verbose. trump’s chosen VP may have read him too.

This after watching too many hours the coverage on the Republican National Convention, and the immediate aftermath in the extensive coverage on the prelude — the sniper’s aim, how did he get there. On and on.

Keep the real beauty of diversity and inclusion before you minds my Fellow Republicans

Let’s keep the real historic image in mind. trump is booming without focus in a million small ways, nothing of substance or historic significance.

His made up issues of this first term, like the unbuilt wall, and his natural hatred of allies in a gesture to the autocrats was a brilliant but temporary distraction.

He lost as a result to Biden, fair and square, and all the courts verify that in our democracy. Over my forty years of practice America is stronger, and greater than his slogan “Make American Great Again”. “Make America Wealthy Again”. Etc. Etc. We never slipped really in the grand view.

America has remained great in my conservatism and pragmatism, and I trust, in the voters at the gates this November. For all time, men of destiny always shaped a near future. They were neighter progressive, reactionary or conservative. They were impactful.

As a social historian, trained to note what lasts versus what is temporary news, trump is like the purposed blooms above, with a thousand strange desert roots, waiting for the rain of the daily news.

He has become a master not only of the big lies but of public manipulation. Witness the fake bandage on his ear from glass, despite the facts that there are gun man or several gun man that have had enough of his lies for reasons we can not tell— people he may have shared deep roots within their own clanging echoes. Mimics of his madness.

He supports so many crazed Christian fundamentalists, somewhere by his feet, claiming the assasination attempt an act of God. Why would the Jeremiah of my faith do something stupid like that, a failed attempt during the same week President Biden got Covid. This is fully entertaining, but not of substance. FDR reigned beautifully despite handicaps much bigger than Covid or a glass fragment from prompter wound to the ear.

Other Presidents in our history, from Republicans like Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, gave us a real view of the distant mountains and the horizon of history. We need those Republicans to emerge after this turbulent 2024 election, positioning some smart women that many can vote for. Look again at the horizon below. We need Republicans like that peak at the back. Not a man that devastates traditions we are all proud of.

And this next 2028 presidental candidate must retain real staff, real speech writers, real talents, not this muck in the mud, however temporary and attractive the purple bloom.

For some comic relief see… Thanks for those that made this for my agency. More later friends.



Bruce Piasecki

Dr. Bruce Piasecki is the president and founder of AHC Group, Inc., NYT bestselling author, speaker, advisor on shared value and social response capitalism.