The Willard Hotel, Conspiratorialists, and Michael Flynn Now under Scrutiny
Back in the day, some of my wealthier clients would have me stay at The Willard Hotel. This hotel, grand and longstanding, was exploited in the last days of the Trump administration, where a gaggle of January 6 conspiratorialists stayed. It is from this distinguished hotel where a few tried to overtake the popular election.
I can picture The Willard’s large lobby now, which is not far from the National Press Club and the White House itself. You must visit it as it’s a sign of America First!
Thanks to some evidence of the conspiratorialists meeting the weeks before January 6 at The Willard, a few things have happened of social significance. While The Williard was where Ulysses S Grant first greeted lobbyists, The Willard remains to be another key point in our American history.
What Happened in the Days Before January 6 at The Willard Hotel?
You can look over the registration histories at The Willard. Steve Bannon was there, The White House attorneys, the Assistant Attorney General, Rudy the mayor.
They now have Steve Bannon ready for jail, where he remains as defiant and as mean spirited as one of the larger mechanical monsters that make the sci-fi film Ready Player One (based on book by Ernest Cline) entertaining. You can make fun of Bannon’s self-importance, the lone giant fighting for something that is not real nor wanted. But we need to assess his destructiveness as well, like in the films around Ready Player One.
Giants of destruction themselves over time get destroyed, like a Steve Bannon or a Paul Manifort.
You can now expect that America First’s most important traditions — judicial process — will nail them. This is not just the bipartisan Congressional investigation team I am talking about here, but the larger issue of public liability.
The investigation committee is now fingering over 250 witnesses and hundreds of thousands of pages of documents showing the Willard Hotel slips, and calls. It is all documented, like the photos of the thousands storming the Capital on january 6. That is what a Democracy does it ferret outs that put American interest first, and the rest in jail!
When I retire, I think I’ll look over those archived papers like the world was able to look over the Nixon tapes or the other papers that fingered Ollie North. The system of American jurisprudence is slow, methodical and wonderful. In the end, folks like Steve Bannon and Trump’s lawyers that chose the wrong “lies” from the Department of Justice, and those that were wrong in Trump’s White House from say December 1 to January 6 will all be demarcated. Once demarcated by hard evidence, they will burn.
That is not the purpose of this article.
Justice will be served, in the same solid fashion by which the actual idiots with the flags and the banners and the guns were held accountable — now at least 600 of them — for storming the Capital, the very heart of our cherished democracy.
The purpose of this essay is to remind all that institutions as great as the Whtie House, the Congress, and the press in the end prevail over destructive personalities.
The purpose of this essay is to have you learn, through some historical parallels, why Michael Flynn is the worst military service veteran in recent history. Michael Flynn, when you look at his history since before Trump, was an honorable man of the military. I compared his initial service to that of my father, and my father’s friends. All like the recently deceased Bob Dole, they were loyal to America first, not to their egoes.
My first memory of my father was picking up the shells of his many gun salutes when I was three. Many men, and now many honorable women, serve our nation invisibility, and they serve hard, even with their lives.
But when Trump got into the soul of Michael Flynn it appeared to me, from the outside, like it was a virus. We now know that Trump knew he had Covid during his horrendous first debate with President Biden. That is a public liability, projecting droplets of infection. You can not imagine a more selfish gesture to sum up the contamination in the realm of Trump. I never wrote like this before, having served both Democrats and Republicans since I received my Phd and began my Washington DC work.
Michael Flynn will now be fingered today by the January 6 Commission service congressmen and congresswomen, all of them, earnest, and prepared. And Michael Flynn will look exactly like a destructive fool. He left serving a great nation to serving a delusional set of inaccurate notions.
People who get chills from reading a book like Ready Player One or seeing Spielberg’s movie adaptation do so knowingly. They know all those being slaughtered on the screen, or on the page are not really dead. They know it is entertainment and fantasy.
We need to look at January 6 this way. There are real deaths associated with this event. It was not fiction, and it will be evaluated by more than the Congressional committee.
It is time for us to realize that. Let’s wake up. Time to remind ourselves, to pinch ourselves, January 6 was one of those pivotal moments in social history where you see the signs of a wrong-headed power party starting to atrophy.