Some New Book Amazon Links on Wealth and Climate — good news

Bruce Piasecki
Dec 17, 2023


Hi Bruce,

Below are links to the 6 ads we are currently running on LinkedIn.

Your initial results are some of the most impressive numbers I’ve seen for a LinkedIn Ad campaign.

Your 2.7% click-through rate is nearly 10x the average.

This is especially impressive because we have not yet added video to our campaign, only images.

Here they are:

Ira Feldman quote

Tim Nixon quote

Darryl Vernon Poole quote

Bruce Quote: Get the Balance Right

Introductory Ad 1

Introductory Ad 2

Write for the live Amazon advertisements

congrats on such a strong early result!

Joshua Schwartz

Founder / Pubvendo



Bruce Piasecki

Dr. Bruce Piasecki is the president and founder of AHC Group, Inc., NYT bestselling author, speaker, advisor on shared value and social response capitalism.